Maren Schroeder has moved from Vroon to Stolt as Fleet Director
John-Kaare Aune is now Managing Director, Ship Management Wallem Group after moving from the Cayman Registry
Stephenson Harwood has snapped up Rory Grant from HFW and Alexis Petron from Jackson Parton
Nick Fisher has joined Abu Dhabi National Oil Co as Deputy CEO
Brian Davies and Sebastian Tjornelund, along with Claims Manager Gustavo Gomez, have moved from the American Club to help North P&I set up a new fixed premium venture in London
Ole Martin Grimsrud has been appointed Chief Financial Officer of Aker Solutions He replaced Svein Oskar Stoknes, who took over as CFO of Aker ASA on the same day
Florian Schacker has left Ince to join HFW as Associate in London
Prasanta Roy has joined Sailors’ Society as Director General. Prasanta was previously Chief Administration Officer, Wells Fargo
North P&I Club managing director Alan Wilson has retired. Savraji Mehta, a former shipmaster, has taken on the newly created position of Chief Commercial Officer; Thya Kathiravel has been appointed Global Chief Underwriting Officer, with Steve Rebair and Simon Main as his deputies.
Clive Archer has moved from Vibe Syndicate Management to be Head of International Casualty Treaty at Barbican Insurance
Ron Jago has moved from Nakilat, Qatar to AET where he is the new General Counsel / Global Head of Legal in London
Ioannis Avgoustis has moved from Steamship Mutual to be Legal Counsel at Angelicoussis in Greece