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For the ‘people people’ of maritime

  • Nov 16, 2018
  • Reading Time: 3 mins
Join the Maritime HR conversation

Once a year, maritime HR professionals from across the world meet in London to discuss the timeliest issues for the industry. The Maritime HR Conference, now in its 13th year, is a space for HR experts within shipping and maritime.

Maritime has plenty of conferences, it’s true – but for niche professionals like those working in HR and related functions, it’s important to know what’s going on both in and out of the industry.

At the 2018 Maritime HR Conference, 135 people from 18 countries were in the room, and the conversation couldn’t have been more diverse. From a market review and managing millennials to the impact of technology on HR and the ever-present autonomous ships, big data and robotics, every key feature in the shipping news was covered. But as Karen Waltham, MD of HR Consulting who runs the Maritime HR Conference said, “Before we relinquish control to the robots entirely, autonomous ships are still very much a people issue.”

People are very much at the heart of the Maritime HR Conference. To hear the CEO panel discuss how they manage the age gap (and subsequent ‘culture gap’) between senior staff and younger recruits, or how they are tackling what we shall politely call maritime’s ‘diversity issue’ is refreshing, encouraging, reassuring. CEOs of shipowners, shipmanagers, P&I clubs – they’re having the same issues as everyone else, and it’s inspiring to hear how they are handling the hottest topics in the industry. It’s also heartening for them to ask ‘What are you doing about it in your companies?’ – and that’s where the Maritime HR Conference is very much an open forum for discussion.

Every session concludes with Q&As with roving mics so that everyone can have their say. That way, it’s not just the speakers who are discussing how they run things, but other maritime HR professionals too. It’s what makes the Maritime HR Conference different. Whether shore-based or crewing, it’s an essential platform for the ‘people people’ of maritime to have their say. And once discussions have been had, that’s how change starts. You never know just how you might get inspired.

The Maritime HR Conference 2019 takes place in London on 9-10 May. Members of the Maritime HR Association are eligible for a free delegate space. If you are not a member, tickets can be purchased at

If you are a supplier, please contact us for details regarding supplier and supporter packages. Email Helen McCaughran at [email protected] or on +44 (0)1702 480142.

You can also find out more about who is speaking, sponsoring and supporting the Maritime HR Conference by following @maritimeHR on Twitter.

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