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Predictions for 2014?

  • Dec 20, 2013
  • Reading Time: 2 mins
2013/2014 sand


  • The launch of the world's biggest ship, the Triple E, boasting room for 18,000 TEU containers
  • Captain Phillips (and Tom Hanks) bringing shipping and piracy to a blockbuster audience
  • A sailor found days after his tugboat capsized, trapped in an air bubble drinking cans of Coca Cola to survive
  • An exploding sperm whale (don't tell me you've not seen it)
  • The rolling of the Costa Concordia, revealing the extent of the damaged ship, after 19 hours of parbuckling work
  • The MOL Comfort breaking in two, both sections floating in the Indian Ocean before sinking, following a three-week saga
  • Rose George's book Deep Sea and Foreign Going shedding light on shipping to great critical success

I think it's safe to say that 2013 has been pretty huge for the shipping industry and ocean-related matters.

But what will 2014 bring?

Will we still see a skills shortage? And what about the over-ordering of ships? Do we think the wider world is catching on to our 'hidden' industry finally?

We'd love to hear your predictions for 2014…

In the meantime, we'd like to thank everybody who made 2013 such a winning year for Spinnaker. We have had a blast, with great challenges and even greater achievements. To everyone who made it possible: wishing you all the best for the holidays and for the New Year to come.

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