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Shipping's sunshine state?

  • Feb 1, 2016
  • Reading Time: 2 mins
spinnaker shipping recruitment

From Thomas Webster, Consultant (Americas), Spinnaker Global

As someone in touch with key decision-makers in the maritime industry (shameless self-promotion…!) on a daily basis, I know all about the challenges our shipping market faces in 2016. From the stagnant price of oil in the tanker sector, and the vessel oversupply and dwindling rates currently plaguing the dry market, it seems everyone is enduring a dose of uncertainty right now. However, there’s always reason for a sunny disposition – “uncertainty is a sign of humility, and humility is the ability or willingness to learn”. Although those words were in fact spoken by Charlie Sheen and not one of the world’s better known orators, they are in fact very true. So what can we learn from the current uncertainty?

Shipping follows the money – and at the moment, setting up in Florida is highly attractive for companies whose Christmas list included having a reliable presence in the USGC and Atlantic market, OR anyone looking for full global time-zone coverage at a relatively low cost. Not only is land per square foot cheaper than Stamford, Houston and New York (very unsurprisingly), the Sunshine State has long had a proud maritime history. To borrow a few statistics from the press, there are approximately 52,000 maritime related jobs in Florida, pumping nearly $10 Billion into the state’s economy every year. This is a considerable offering in the grand scheme of things.

My clients are jumping at the chance to expand freight teams, operations departments and technical ship management functions across the state and right now I am working on filling two key positions with a first-class shipping company down there (for more info, follow the email link at the bottom of the page.)

So while the shipping industry has its back against the wall, there are glimmers of hope, and Florida is offering quite a few.

Perhaps soon we’ll get a touch of that Florida sunshine in the UK, or maybe that’s a bridge too far?

Spinnaker Global are attending the CMA Conference in Stamford between March 21st- 23rd 2016. For more information on commercial shipping vacancies across the Americas, please contact Tom Webster at [email protected].

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