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Demurrage courses for autumn

  • Sep 18, 2017
  • Reading Time: 2 mins

Spinnaker's new colleagues at Asdem Ltd are running a series of events and training programmes in the coming weeks. Asdem training is renowned in the oil and tanker sectors. Many traders, charterers, operators and demurrage experts have benefited from Asdem training at the start of and throughout their careers.

Tanker Chartering (12/13 October)

Oil Industry Operations (18/19 October).

Advanced Oil industry Laytime and Demurrage training (26/27 October)

Asdem Demurrage Drinks evening on Thursday 26th October – details to follow soon

The first Athens Tanker Owners Laytime and Demurrage Forum (8 November).

Places are still available on all of these courses but on some of our events seats are now selling out quickly; if you do wish to make a booking or seek further details of these events please do not hesitate to contact Asdem at [email protected].

Asdem held two Laytime and Demurrage training events (Intermediate and Advanced) in Mumbai during the last week of August as well as a gathering of friends (see photos). Led jointly by Asdem's Capt Amol Deshmukh and Asdem’s Managing Director Andrew Wilding these courses were notable for the fact that for the first time Asdem covered Laytime and Demurrage for both the dry bulk and tanker industries.

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