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Survey: Leadership in shipbroking

  • Nov 25, 2021
  • Reading Time: 2 mins
charles deluvio

Spinnaker are delighted to publicise a survey on Leadership in Shipbroking being conducted by researchers at Bayes Business School at City, formerly known as Cass Business School at the University of London. As most of our regular readers will know, Spinnaker has been advocating the benefits of investing in leadership in maritime for many years and offers maritime leadership development programmes. Our next open programme starts in December and is fully booked but do register your interest for Spring 2022 by contacting Helen McCaughran on 01702 481643 or by email.

Improving the industry for future shipbrokers

Is leadership in shipbroking an oxymoron or are 21st century shipbrokers investing in developing the leadership potential of their people?  Are shipbrokers simply promoting their biggest billers into management roles only to find that their talent doesn’t extend to leadership? The survey aims to find out, to understand attitudes and perspectives, and how the industry can be improved for future generations of shipbrokers, analysts and operators.

All shipbrokers, from trainees to directors and company owners are invited to take 10 minutes to answer the questions in this survey and so help contribute to this unique piece of research on the industry. You can do so by clicking here: 

DISCLAIMER: Spinnaker are not involved in the conduct of this survey. We are helping to publicise and distribute the survey to our network of contacts and will not have access to any of the data submitted by survey participants. Responses will be anonymous and confidential and all data will be held on a secure system independent of Spinnaker and maintained by Bayes Business School.

IN MORE FORMAL TERMS:  A research team at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) at City, University of London, led by Dr Amanda Goodall (Associate Professor in Leadership) is conducting new research to better understand the link between leadership, people management, strategic decision-making, diversity and execution in the shipbroking industry.

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