We are working through unprecedented levels of uncertainty, facing unexpected business challenges and under pressure to work more flexibly than ever before. How are you and your teams responding – are you simply ‘coping’ and do you even know what your new potential is, let alone how to reach it?
In this time of change, we are going to learn a lot about ourselves. We will be challenged and tested. Some of it will feel uncomfortable and difficult. So taking some time to take stock and reflect is crucial for our own mental health and well-being. Staying motivated and resilient in this changing environment is going to require some changes to our own behaviours. Basically, to embrace this new world on the right footing we are going to need to make a concerted effort.
Understanding your own preferred ways of working remotely and how they may need to adapt to suit new ways of the working world could be key. Increased self-awareness can deliver benefits across:
Self-awareness can be quickly and easily achieved through personality profiling tool Facet5. Completion of a simple online questionnaire which you can take while you’re working remotely generates a 17 page report, shared by fully accredited practitioners during a confidential one to one feedback session. This session is tailored to you; a great opportunity to reflect on live business issues and assess ways to tackle them. A small investment could make a huge difference to your future. Fund yourself or ask your employer to include this as part of your ongoing development. Get in touch via email or on +44 (0) 1702 481660 to find out more.