Marketing, Communication and PR Jobs

Marketing, communication and PR staff are responsible for a company’s marketing activities (e.g. branding, advertising, creative services) as well as promoting the company’s image internally (via newsletters, the Intranet etc.) and/or externally through promotional literature, social media, company website and press & public relations.

Example job titles

Assistant Marketing Manager, Communications Coordinator, Communications Director, Communications Officer, Head of Marketing, Junior Marketing Executive, Marketing Executive, Marketing Manager, PR Assistant, PR Executive, PR Manager, Senior Communications Manager, Senior Communications Officer, Senior Marketing & Communications Specialist, Senior PR Officer, SVP Corporate Communications & PR.

Example job descriptions

Marketing Manager
Marketing managers are responsible for developing, implementing, and executing an organisation’s marketing plan. This may also involve different lines of the business or brands within the business.

Public Relations (PR) Manager
The role of a PR manager is to coordinate all public relations activities. This person would help deliver the marketing communications plan set by the marketing team. A large part of their role would be developing a media relations strategy which would look to achieve seeking placements in industry print and online media.

Where can I work in marketing, communications or PR?

Some larger shipping companies will employ marketing, communications or PR people, but not all shipping companies will have them within their organisation. Many may employ an external industry specialist marketing and/or PR agency to act on their behalf.

Key skills and experience

Whilst there a no formal qualifications for roles such as these, the following are important qualities displayed by those successful in these positions.

  • For those writing articles for either internal or external communications strong writing skills are an obvious requirement.
  • An ability to pick up on industry trends and react quickly.
  • Organisational skills help when it comes to managing communication plans.
  • Attention to detail if needed to ensure facts are correct in any internal or external communication.
  • These roles often require a design element and as a result creativity is deemed a positive attribute.

Get in touch

To find out more about Marketing, Communications & PR jobs, please get in touch with the team who specialise in these vacancies.

David Tubb, Director of Recruitment