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It has been said that the true test of a vocation is the love of the drudgery it involves.

So began issue number 1 of Changing Course, some 80 issues ago. Now, over 17,000 people receive Changing Course. Gosh, most of you actually signed up for it as well. 

Of course, as with all publications, we have no idea how many people actually read our monthly missive, but just like any parent we are proud of our offspring. It seems to have developed a life of its own and if we keep your interest for long enough we’re always pleasantly surprised at the level of response to our various prompts and prods.

We’ve sold a few adverts in Changing Course over the years, but that’s not really what it’s here for. So, if you have something interesting to say or a question you’d like to put to 17,000 shipping folk, some of them the bosses and some of them the bossed-about, feel free to send your contributions to [email protected]

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