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Oh well, summer´s over, for those of us in the Northern hemisphere anyway.  In search of a bit of sunshine we´ll be visiting many of our clients in warmer climes this next month or so.  You never know, we might even do a bit of work while we´re at it.
At Spinnaker, we’ve just gone through that most terrifying of things – the installation of a major new piece of software and the launch of a new website on the same day. Our nerves are frayed and our boredom thresholds have been exceeded a thousand times as we ‘cleaned’ data for weeks and weeks. Still, the whole project has given us a renewed respect for I.T. professionals.

Oh, the patience you need to do your jobs. We take our hats of to you. No longer shall we use the word ‘geek’ to describe you. Well, let´s be honest, we will, but we’ll do so affectionately from now on.

To those of you who have suffered delays at the hands of our software changeover, our apologies.  And, double apologies to the small number of people whose applications disappeared into the I.T. ether.

Please take a quick peek at our new website. It’s on the same address, We’d love to know what you think and how we can improve it further. More features are planned and we’re particularly keen to hear from employers what we need to do to address your needs. A featured employers section is planned, but only when we know what would really be of value to you. Meantime, we hope you’ll find the advice and guidance on CVs, interviews, recruitment law and getting the best out of recruiters for both employers and jobseekers useful.
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