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Growth in Dutch maritime recruitment

We recently read an article that said the Dutch are more likely to apply for jobs through social media than through a traditional jobs website. We wonder if that trend will reflect on our website; we’ve actually seen an upswing in new traffic from the Netherlands in the past quarter, but we know that can change. Luckily for us, we have a strong presence on social media from LinkedIn and Twitter to Facebook, Google+ and YouTube. So what makes the Dutch so forward thinking and up with current trends?

The Dutch have long been known as modern, liberal and entrepreneurial. But there’s weight behind that reputation too. It has the 5th largest GDP in the EU, many multinational companies choose to have their headquarters there, and it was recently voted #1 in English language proficiency. The Dutch maritime cluster is in a strong position in the shipping world, and we’ve been doing business in the Netherlands since we launched Spinnaker Global in 1997. Our recruitment business has long been hiring people in the Netherlands for technical, commercial and professional positions, and the Maritime HR Association has 9 companies who give us Dutch salary data.

David Tubb, who heads up the European Technical recruitment division here at Spinnaker, has a good relationship with existing companies in the Netherlands and is keen to grow new business there too. “The needs within the Dutch maritime market are present and real,” Tubb says. “When I read the article about the Dutch being so good at English, it inspired me. I often fly out to the Netherlands for business meetings and as such I’ve started to learn Dutch to help me build on my business relationships.

“The Dutch maritime cluster has a quiet strength to it. Ports, shipbuilding and seagoing shipping are incredibly strong from the Netherlands, and when I see growth in these areas, I see new recruitment opportunity. It’s something I’m looking forward to discussing with clients and candidates at MOCE (Maritime & Offshore Career Event) in Rotterdam later in April.”

With sessions on technological intelligence and mobile/digital, modern-thinking is high on the agenda at MOCE, reflecting the nature of the Dutch when it comes to looking forward. “I have a great respect for the way business works in the Netherlands,” says Tubb, “and this will only be cemented at MOCE in April.”

To book a meeting with David Tubb, email [email protected] or tweet him @SG_DTubb to find out more.

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