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WE’VE been getting a bit of a hard time in shipping of late. Sure, we can do more to improve but when we hear figures bandied around on the news about the fuel consumed by ‘a single ocean liner’ one wonders who on earth these journalists think buys the stuff they’re carrying.

For an industry that carries more than 90% of world trade while emitting something like 14% of global transport CO2 emissions (forgive us if our figures are a bit out of date) we clearly aren’t all bad.

Anyway, it’s interesting to see how the industry is preparing itself for the next decade. You see, in recruitment we get to hear quite a lot about people’s plans and of course we see rises in demand for particular skillsets and experience. And in the last year, we’ve had numerous sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and environmental vacancies.

Caroline Horsley, a consultant in Spinnaker’s Professional Services Division, has developed a particular knowledge in this field and says that whilst some still regard this whole area as a PR exercise, “many others are realizing that by building their teams now they can steal a march on the competition by being prepared for legislation, by winning clients on quality and by building their brand as an employer of choice.”

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