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iswan welfare awards

Raising the profile of seafarer welfare

ISWAN recently launched the 7th International Seafarers’ Welfare Awards. The awards aim to raise the profile of seafarers’ welfare across the maritime industry and to encourage companies to raise their standards by showcasing best practice from shipping companies, ports, seafarers’ centres and welfare workers.

ISWAN are asking seafarers to nominate online before the 1st December 2017 deadline.

There are 4 awards categories:

– Shipping Company of the Year
– Welfare Personality of the Year
– Port of the Year
– Seafarer Centre of the Year

The awards ceremony will go ahead in April 2018, at the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, during the Third Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006).

The awards are generously funded by the ITF Seafarers’ Trust and Inmarsat Maritime is the Gold sponsor. The Seafarers Centre of the Year is sponsored by Wrist Ship Supply, Dr Dierk Lindemann Welfare Personality is sponsored by ICS and Shipping Company of the Year is sponsored by Garrets International.

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