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andy beales

Charting maritime careers

On Monday 2nd December I attended a joint event hosted by the Nautical Institute and the Honourable Company of Master Mariners. 

The evening’s topic was Charting Maritime Careers hosted on board the HQS Wellington. 

It was a great opportunity to speak to a wide audience about what we are experiencing from a recruitment perspective covering topics including:

     + Future skills initiatives
     + Candidate driven market
     + Understanding individuals – going beyond personality profiling as just a selection tool
     + Automation. Digitalisation. Technology
     + Diversity and cultural changes
     + Inter industry and external education and awareness
     + Individual motivation, goals and challenges

During the evening we heard from a host of speakers whose careers were not linear, and from others who did not realise their current position was a reality.

What the event highlighted is there is split opinion on the advantages of being at sea longer, gaining higher qualifications vs coming ashore sooner and forging a different career path. 

While there is always a difference of opinion, it was agreeable that those in the industry wanting to work ashore need to know what positions are available.

Even a conversation this week included the phrases “tunnel vision”, “confused by the possible options” and “simply not knowing what is out there.”

Ultimately, there is no easy answer to any of the subjects raised, with enough topics of discussion to fill a whole week, let alone an hour or two.

What was also evident is that companies seeking talent need to rethink chasing the perfect ideal on paper and focus more on the individual and the transferable value they can bring.

David Tubb, Director, Recruitment, Spinnaker

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