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Spinnaker sessions at Riviera’s tanker conference

  • Aug 30, 2019
  • Reading Time: 3 mins
Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference

Riviera Maritime’s annual Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference, Exhibition & Awards returns to London on 26-27 November and will be held at a new venue, Amba Hotel Marble Arch, and Spinnaker is delighted to be providing sessions on Day 2.

The two day programme covers a full range of technical, operational, commercial and regulatory issues. New for this year is an extended markets focus that allows for a deep dive into what will drive the chemical, product and crude tanker markets in 2020. This is the first time the conference programme will include streamed sessions to extend delegate choice.

The opening session of Riviera’s annual Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference, Exhibition & Awards sees three of the industry’s most respected analysts present their crude, product and chemical tanker market forecasts for 2020.

Braemar’s global research head, Henry Curra, will address prospects for the crude tanker market. Expect Mr Curra to share data on scrubber installations across the VLCC fleet – both for newbuilds and retrofits. E A Gibson’s head of research, Richard Matthews will speak on the product tanker outlook. Richardson Lawrie director, Charles Lawrie, will assess the chemical markets. Following the three presentations there will be open discussion – with all three analysts well placed to speak across sectors. Expect lively and informed discussion!

TPO Holdings Danmark, which acquired marine coatings consultancy Safinah earlier this year, will be leading sessions on cargo tank coatings and hull coatings. In parallel there will be sessions on owner/charterer dialogue as well as tanker safety and security, which will take in cyber security and safe passage through the Strait of Hormuz.

Day two is themed around a detailed examination of what makes for efficient tanker fleet management. This includes dedicated sessions led by Spinnaker that take in leadership at sea and ashore, staff-to-vessel ratios, regional salary trends, future fleet management workforce planning and the impact of crew demographics on succession planning.

INTERTANKO will also be hosting a breakfast briefing on ‘Practical Compliance with the 2020 Sulphur Cap Regulations’. INTERTANKO’s senior technical manager Gilyong Han and general counsel Michele White will share guidance on IMO Guidelines for Consistent Implementation and give practical examples of actions ship operators may take in various situations.

An exhibition will run in parallel with the conference. To discuss exhibiting and wider branding and marketing opportunities please contact Paul Dowling: [email protected] or Chris Tims: [email protected]

To reserve your ticket book here

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