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The best way to get on in your career

  • Nov 14, 2014
  • Reading Time: 2 mins
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Here at Spinnaker Global, we are always happy to give career advice to people, indeed we actively advise on the next best move to help your career, be it through education & training or a change of company. The one thing we don’t generally do it to give relationship advice, but after reading a recent article perhaps we should be.

An American research group looked at survey data which included information about economics as well as peoples social situations; the topics included such things as their professional levels as well as personality traits.

The findings showed that those with a ‘conscientious’ partner earned more money, and those with ‘extremely conscientious’ partners were 50% more likely to get promoted than those with partners who were unreliable.

According to the study, a dependable partner that does the majority of the housework allows for them to concentrate on their job without distractions. Of course this makes sense, less worry outside of the office enables you to focus more on what is happening in the office, so not rocket science, but would we recommend this as a way to get on in your job?

The lead researcher Brittany Solomon said: “Being married to a spouse who is especially conscientious is associated with higher levels of future job satisfaction, higher levels of future income, and a greater likelihood of being promoted, even when accounting for one’s own level of conscientiousness.”

After 17 years in recruitment we like to think we are pretty skilled in ‘connecting people’, looking not just at skills and experience, but at behaviours and personality fit, so our next obvious expansion…a dating agency?

This guest blog was written by Teresa Peacock, Managing Director, Spinnaker Global Shipping Recruitment (right) – you can tweet Teresa @SG_TPeacock

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