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Maritime HR Conference – it's nearly here

  • Jan 27, 2015
  • Reading Time: 2 mins

Preparation is fully underway for the 9th annual Maritime HR Association conference in a few months’ time. We’re getting excited, and here’s a few reasons why you should be too:

Industry-renowned speakers
The event will kick-off with a captivating talk by Stephen Gordon of Clarksons Research, setting the scene for the two-day event with an overview of shipping, world trade, the world fleet and orderbook, and key issues facing the industry.

Social media
Social media has been creeping up the HR priority list in recent years, with organisations trying to make the connection between having a solid social media strategy and finding top talent. One individual who has mastered this is Fredrik Tukk, head of communication, marketing and branding at Danish-headquartered Maersk Drilling. Delegates this year will be treated to a talk from Fredrik, sharing his story (and successes) on how he was tasked with doubling the size of the company within 5 years.

Case studies
Members of the Maritime HR Association will be standing up in front of their colleagues this year to present case studies on shipping and HR best practices. German shipowners, Oldendorff, are one of the volunteers with their HR learning and development manager poised to speak about their key training programs and the challenges and successes of implementing such schemes.

Marine employment
International law firm Clyde and Co, will be sharing their expertise with delegates, advising how to employ staff in an internationally mobile environment, giving top tips on protecting businesses, international assignments and covenants in some key marine jurisdictions.

With delegates from over 15 countries worldwide, this is an event not be missed.

The conference is to be held on the 11th and 12th May 2015 in London, UK. If you are interested in attending, or finding out more about our sponsorship opportunities, please contact Emily Warren at [email protected] for more information. 

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