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Bin for GreenSeas to launch at Maritime HR conference

  • May 21, 2018
  • Reading Time: 2 mins
green seas trust

This year's Maritime HR conference, taking place in London on 24 & 25 May, will mark a big milestone for GreenSeas. In collaboration with University of East London, the trust has been looking to design a futuristic bin which will not only encourage people to responsibly dispose of litter, but change their overall behaviour towards the rapidly increasing waste problem, too.

The winning concept was designed by 2nd year product design students Emily Hodgkinson and George Davis. Emily grew up in Sussex and spent her childhood visiting beaches all along the south coast. "This particular project was personal for me from day one,” says Hodgkinson. "I felt compelled to make this project a success by creating a memorable design which would open peoples' eyes to the issue of plastic waste. I want to make sure the next generation can create the childhood memories I was lucky enough to have.”
For Davis, the project has been an eye-opener as it made him realise just how much plastic waste has an impact on our natural environment. “But”, he says, “it has also shown me how, if we work together, we can help stop this issue.”

“They design they have developed is amazing,” says trustee Fazilette Khan. “It is iconic and thought provoking. Both students have worked hard to capture our design brief and it certainly fulfils that and much more." In addition to a bin design that is attention grabbing in appearance yet functional enough to use them in coastal areas throughout the UK, the trust was looking for something that would offer educational value. "The elimination of plastics entering the seas and coastal areas is a collective undertaking, but the majority of people feel that it is not their personal problem,” Khan explains. Using creativity and design, #BinForGreenSeas will hopefully change that.

The Maritime HR conference represents some of the biggest global shipowners and shipmanagers. This year, merchant navy officer and chartered environmentalist Fazilette Khan will be speaking about plastics at sea and its vital connection to corporate social responsibility and HR. As part of this, the innovative solution born out of the #BinForGreenSeas project will finally see its official launch. Press enquiries: [email protected]

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