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HR Consulting launches new website

HR Consulting, a division of Spinnaker Global, is delighted to announce the launch of their new innovative website.

The site, which is also optimised for smartphones and tablets, reflects HR Consulting’s commitment to shipping and HR worldwide and, exemplifies their mission statement: 'Valuing people professionally'. It highlights the unique range of services on offer, showcases previous consultancy work and features details about the Maritime HR Association – a membership body with almost 90 shipping companies worldwide.

Speaking about the design, MD of HR Consulting Karen Waltham commented: “A lot of hard work has gone into developing our new website and we are delighted with the result. It provides us with the opportunity to share our range of services and expertise with a wider audience, to show off exactly what makes us unique”.

Phil Parry, Chairman of Spinnaker Global, said: “The new website shows just how professional HR in shipping has become. The best shipping companies aren’t secretive anymore – they understand that by sharing, they learn from each other and can demonstrate to their staff and shareholders they pay the right amount to attract and retain talent.”

HR Consulting from Spinnaker Global and the Maritime HR Association are going from strength to strength. You can see the new site here.

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