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marine engineer

Loneliness in seafarers – a survey

Tiffany Palmer is studying for a professional doctorate in health psychology at London Metropolitan University. For her thesis, she is studying the impact of social isolation and loneliness on the psychological wellbeing of seafarers.

Seeking robust data, Palmer is looking at age, rank, nationality, type of ship, size of crew, length of contract, religion. “I will examine this data against scores on loneliness, psychological general wellbeing and self-efficacy, using standardised psychological measures,” says Palmer. “My aim is to reach a wide distribution of seafarers.”

The study hopes to shed light on the psychological effects of being at sea, and provide valuable information about social isolation, loneliness and its effect on mental health.

All responses are completely confidential, and will be used for the purpose of this research only.

To take the survey, please visit

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