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What side of average is your salary?

Part of the 'Thoughts from a Female MD' series

Are you aware that half of the workplace is being paid less than the other half despite doing the same job?

“That’s outrageous!” I hear you say; I also hear you say you hope you’re not one of them! Well don’t worry; unless you are a woman you aren’t being disadvantaged. But on a more serious note, how do you feel knowing that because someone is of a certain sex they earn less?

You wouldn’t be happy if people were paid less based on the colour of their eyes or their shoe size – you would say “what madness!” – but it’s a very real madness that someone could be paid less because of their gender.

The Westminster Employment Forum held a conference on the gender pay gap and women in executive management – great speakers, useful insights into the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of inequality – the only issue was the room was full of women – no men.

Well actually there were a couple; I sat next to a man who worked on his laptop through half of the speakers, and was on his phone for the other half! I don’t have a downer on the male of the species, but men: I implore you to give your support to get this right for the future, for your partner, daughter or niece.

The new legislation that comes out on 5th April means companies over a certain size will now need to publish the differences in pay between men and women. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start. Give it some consideration, but more importantly give it some support and take the time to look at your own company’s figures; and if you are in a smaller company, encourage them to publish it voluntarily.

If you would like to hear more about the new legislation, WISTA (the Women’s International Shipping & Trade Association) is holding a free event in conjunction with Clyde & Co and HR Consulting on 28th March in London. To book, email [email protected]. Come on men, we need you!

Teresa Peacock, MD, Recruitment, Spinnaker Global & Membership Secretary, WISTA

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