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How APC thrive in a remote/hybrid setting

At Advanced Polymer Coatings, we’ve developed unique strategies to maintain a solid company culture, even as remote and hybrid work has become more common. Most of our marine team is remote, and a good portion of our new hires on the industrial sales team are remote specifically so they can manage certain territories near their home state.

Our inclusive, transparent, and open communication is a cornerstone of our operations. It ensures that every team member, regardless of location, feels valued and integral to our company. Our regular virtual meetings, check-ins, and cross-functional collaboration are designed to maintain this sense of value and integration. We’ve integrated digital tools that enhance collaboration and support work-life balance. From project management software to social platforms for casual interactions, these tools help recreate the office atmosphere virtually. We use many now-normalized ways of staying connected, like Zoom and Teams Calls, and our HubSpot CRM also keeps everyone connected and on track to meet their sales goals. Interestingly enough, we also have a personal portal called the ‘APC Portal’ that was designed in-house to supplement our base CRM and also allow visibility on order tracking and historical data for both our marine and industrial teams. The portal speaks fluidly to our CRM and other operating systems to keep the sales team, lab, manufacturing, logistics and top management all informed in real time. This portal is available to all APC employees worldwide.

To foster team spirit and culture, we organize quarterly events, team-building activities, and recognition programs to notify everyone of what the company is doing and highlight achievements across our departments. Our quarterly newsletter and yearly sales conference are two prime examples of channels for fostering this culture. These engagements help maintain camaraderie, keep employees motivated, and celebrate our successes even when working remotely.

Strong leadership is key to preserving company culture. Our leadership team makes it a point to be accessible to all employees, offering regular updates, sharing strategic decisions, and listening to feedback through virtual town halls or one-on-one sessions. We have an ‘open door policy’ at APC that fosters this culture through availability.

Blog By Scott M Wesemeyer, Marketing Manager, Advanced Polymer Coatings

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