The Maritime HR Association and Shore-based Salary Benchmarking
Since 2005, Spinnaker has provided the most comprehensive and reliable worldwide annual survey of shore-based salaries in the shipping industry.
Who participates?
In 2023, 104 companies participated in the survey. This includes shipowners, shipmanagers, oil majors and commodity groups. Participants represent all trades including oil, gas, cruise, liner and bulk carriers. The data in the survey represents 50,000 shore-based employees across the globe.
What data is provided?
Data for 21 job families is provided in the survey including technical & marine, operations, chartering, finance, HR, legal and sales.
The data is broken down by location, job family and job level with reports showing the median, LQ, UQ, P10 and P90 salary ranges. Salary, bonus, fixed cash and total compensation data is all provided in the survey.
24 individual country reports are produced plus 13 regional reports.
How can my company access this information?
In order to be a part of our annual shore-based salary survey, companies are required to join the Maritime HR Association, of which Spinnaker are secretariat.
Membership benefits.
- Participation in the annual shore-based salary survey.
- Receipt of the annual market analysis reports and salary survey reports from October.
- Attendance at the annual conference in May.
- Participation in information exchanges throughout the year.
- Ad hoc salary benchmarking advice when required.
- Receipt of a monthly member newsletter.
- Participation in Maritime HR Association networking events to discuss relevant topics and meet fellow members.
NB: The annual membership fee entitles a member to receive one salary survey report per membership year, provided that the member has submitted their own salary data to be included in that report.
Further Information
Monique Turner
Helen McCaughran