Seafarer Wage Cost Reports

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Your source of seafarer wage data

Spinnaker provides vital wage cost reports for crew working on all major vessel types. These reports help employers of crew not only attract and retain talent but remain competitive in the crewing market.

The Spinnaker seafarer wage cost reports are produced annually and provide information on deck & engine positions across various vessel types.

The seafarer wage cost survey methodology

Spinnaker’s annual seafarer wage cost reports are made up of wage and allowance data from 50 shipping companies worldwide.

These companies provide Spinnaker with anonymised wage and guaranteed allowance data for all their seafarers which is calculated into minimum and maximum Daily Wage Costs across vessel type, rank and nationality for the final reports.

The reports capture all guaranteed pay, whilst taking rotation patterns into consideration enabling members to identify the cost of crewing a vessel.

Participants in the wage cost survey become members of the Seafarer Employers’ Association who then receive additional annual benefits including participation in the annual benefits survey and a year-on-year trend report.

Seafarer wage reports are available annually from the 1st of August.

What is included in the seafarer wage cost reports?

  • Seafarer wage data from 50 shipping companies globally including shipowners, shipmanagers, crew managers and oil majors.
  • Seafarer wage data representing 250,000* seafarers.
  • 50 seafaring ranks. Including Master, First Officer, First Engineer and Bosun.
  • 13 vessels including Bulk, Crude, Container, Cruise, LNG and LPG.
  • 110 nationalities including Filippino, British, Ukrainian and Danish.
  • 10,000 lines of reportable data.
  • Reports are personalised for each member which allows the client to make a direct comparison between their data and that of the market.

*Data in the 2024 survey

Who would benefit from the Spinnaker salary reports?

Heads of crewing in shipowners, shipmanagers and oil majors, and manning and crewing agents would benefit from the Spinnaker wage reports.

Companies participating in the seafarer wage survey represent all trades including bulk, chemical, container, crude, cruise, LNG, LPG and product carriers.

Contact us for more information on the Seafarer Wage Cost Reports

Helen McCaughran

Marketing & Business Development Manager

+44 (0)1702 481643

Monique Turner

Senior Business Development Consultant

+44 (0)1702 481637

Request Seafarer Wage Cost brochure

The Seafarer Wage Benchmarking report has been one of the most valuable resources for us, providing insightful data that supports our annual pay review.

I would highly recommend it to others looking to make informed and competitive wage decisions in the maritime industry.

Gina Zeimbeki
Recruitment Manager, Gaslog

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