After months of collecting, checking and analysing thousands of lines of data, the 2015 Maritime HR Association Salary Survey was officially released to members on 26 October.
With an increase of members and the introduction of new job codes we received a 122% increase of data from 2014, which has resulted in a staggering rise in reported information for the ninth edition. Throughout the production of this year’s Salary Survey three new team members joined HR Consulting, membership increased to a total of 95 and to top it off a new database was developed in the middle of it all. However despite the incredibly busy period, the Maritime HR Association has been able able to report new countries, regions and job families to produce the biggest Maritime Salary Survey to date by far.
The highlights for this year’s report include:
The demand for this year’s survey in the run up to its distribution has been at an all-time high and demonstrates the need for such salary data in the maritime industry. While growing the regions reported, the Association has also seen an increase in the variety of maritime organisations needing access to shore based salary data. To meet the high demand from different areas of the industry the Maritime HR Association looks to develop specific job families for these more niche markets in following surveys.
If you are interested in membership of the Maritime HR Association and this year’s salary survey please contact Karen Waltham [email protected] or visit the website for further information.