CV Screen, monitored 11,000 advertised vacancies to come up with this statistic and tell us that IT salaries have risen by 4.1% in the past year.
Spinnaker set up a dedicated shipping IT & Communications recruitment desk in 2007. Nicola Wood, manager of Spinnaker’s Professional Services Division says that ongoing high demand for ITC professionals in shipping has maintained the upward pressure on Salaries.
CV Screen’s research shows that there are some areas where vacancy demand is far outstripping the supply of skilled candidates such as .Net, C# and PHP. Candidates are “inundated” with opportunities.
Of course, while there are shipping-specialist ITC professionals, the market for ITC staff in shipping is generally part of the wider IT market. Competition is fierce.
It helps that HR in shipping is a heck of a lot more professional than it was just a few years ago because we at Spinnaker find that winning the battle to recruit IT talent takes a concerted sales effort. Working with our clients, our job is to persuade IT candidates from outside shipping that our industry has more to offer them than other options. Happily, we have a good story to tell (in case you weren’t sure)!