Changing Course

Navigating shipping & maritime HR with expert industry insights

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  • Dec 1, 2009
  • Reading Time: 2 mins
Spinnaker get phone calls every day of the week – they’re often disgruntled – from people asking this very question who are upset that the bloke sitting next to them earns 20% more than they do. 

Unfortunately there is very rarely a simple answer and it depends on all sorts of things, not least of which is how good they are at their job, how successful their company is, the company’s salary and bonus policy and so on and so on. 
What do you think? Should you be the highest paid in your job function at your company or the lowest paid?  We´re not all the same despite similar CVs!

We’re interested to find out how sophisticated HR practices are out there among you lot. They have definitely got better in shipping in the last few years and there are plenty of compensation & benefits specialists working in shipping HR teams. 
Spinnaker are regularly commissioned to provide salary benchmarking reports for them and more than 30 of them are members of The Maritime HR Forum, a membership association run by Spinnaker.

If you can spare 5 minutes, we’d like to know:
  • Your job title
  • The sector you work in (chartering, shipbroking, shipmanagement, claims, law, sales, etc.)
  • The country you work in
  • Your level of experience (trainee, 3-5 yrs, 5-8 yrs, 8+ years, manager, director)
  • Are you or your company willing to take part in future salary surveys?
  • Does your company have a formal salary policy which sets out where it wishes its salaries and bonuses to be compared to the market place (market leader, upper quartile, average, below average, etc.)?
  • Do you have regular appraisals – how often?
  • Do your appraisals or salary reviews tell you at what level your company assesses your salary against market salaries?
IF your company would like to receive information on membership of the Maritime HR Forum, contact us
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