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Personality Profiling and Facet5

Spinnaker’s Maritime Leadership Development Programme Winter 2024 is set to begin on the 28th November.

This year, the programme will include a ‘Key Qualities’ report for all participants as a takeaway document.

So, what is a Key Qualities report?

The ‘Key Qualities’ report is based on the participants responses to the ‘Facet5’ personality profiling questionnaire which forms the first part of the Maritime Leadership Development Programme.

It is designed to measure an individual’s unique strengths based on their personality. By gaining insight into their inherent abilities and preferences, individuals are better equipped to make informed decisions about their personal and professional paths.

Personality Profiling and Facet5

 • Key Qualities Summary: provides a summary statement for their 13 Key Qualities. These are the positive and productive behaviours that an individual does well and require little effort.

• Leveraging: provides practical advice on how to leverage their key qualities at work and what the positive impact could be.

• Strength Overplayed: describes the impact and behaviours when their strength is overplayed or they become over-reliant on its use.

• Coaching Advice: for each Key Quality they receive coaching advice on how to open up their strengths and manage their strengths overplayed.

Find out more about the Key Qualities report and how it is used in Spinnaker’s Maritime Leadership Development programme by contacting a member of the team.

[email protected]

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