Recurrent picture
Since 2019, the majority of Commercial Operations roles are based in India, Singapore, the US, UK and Denmark. Out of over 3,400 commercial operations staff, Professional (OP01) level is the most prominent job code.
A ‘typical’ Operations Team with 1 Head of / Director (OP04) in charge, consists of 3 Operations Managers (OP03), 6 Senior Professionals (OP02), 8 Professionals (OP01) and 4 Juniors / Trainees (OP00). Since 2019, we have seen a reduction of employees at the Professional level and below, meaning that we are likely to experience a future skill gap as less staff members will be able to develop into more senior positions.
Since we started collecting data on gender, no significant change has been made to the gender split in the Commercial Operations job family – with 32% of female employees against 67% male.
However, there was a shift in the seniority level – 10% more women reached the Head of / Director (OP04) positions in 2022 compared to 2021, making up for 14% in total.
Countries that are traditionally considered the ‘maritime hubs’ are paying the highest remuneration packages – the USA, Singapore, Denmark and Australia.
Tanker companies pay the most to the Commercial Operations staff (where reportable); the incredibly high market in the dry bulk sector has pushed remuneration packages higher this year, with dry bulk companies paying second highest or even outperforming tanker companies at some job levels.
Consequently, Commercial Operations staff working in Oil Major / Commodity / Mining Group companies enjoy the highest base salaries, bonus and total compensation payments.
To find out more details about the dynamics of this job family or others, please contact our benchmarking team at [email protected]
Written by Daryna Rozum, Reward Consultant, Spinnaker