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Support the WISTA cadet!

  • Dec 4, 2023
  • Reading Time: 2 mins

WISTA UK, is raising £35,00 to fund their first female cadet scholarship.

They are teaming up with the Maritime London Officer Cadet Scholarship (MLOCS) which has been providing opportunities to young British cadets for over 30 years.

MLOCS is run by industry volunteers. Its simple purpose is to support young people through seafarer training and provide a pool of seafarers who might look to the professional services sector when they move to a career onshore.

£25,000 has already been raised/pledged so all that’s needed is for 100 people to donate £100 each and a young woman who might not otherwise get the opportunity, can begin her maritime career.

Spinnaker were delighted to attend and speak on behalf of this initiative at the WISTA fundraising dinner on Wednesday 29th November in London. Spinnaker Chairman Phil Parry gave the after-dinner speech on behalf of MLOCS to encourage people to donate which raised £5,000 on the night. Other speakers included: Heather Enness, a master mariner who is currently pregnant with her fourth child and who has maintained her qualification and career while also being a mum to a young family; and Commander Helen Coxon, a Royal Navy officer who spent 7 years as a naval pilot and who begins two years as the Commanding Officer of a Type 23 Royal Navy frigate shortly.

If you’d like to help support this initiative, you can donate via the JustGiving link.

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