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Sponsorship opportunities – Maritime HR Association conference

  • Feb 3, 2016
  • Reading Time: 1 mins
sponsorship opportunities

Maritime HR professionals from all over the world will come together in May 2016 to discuss the hot topics in shipping personnel. Over a two day conference in London, delegates from shipowners, shipmanagers, traders and oil companies will listen to industry-renowned speakers and network with fellow members of the Maritime HR Association.

Founded in 2005, the Maritime HR Association has grown to become a membership body of over 90 global shipping employer members. It’s a fast-growing association, and growth is expected within the membership into 2016.

We’re offering companies the opportunity to sponsor the 2-day event. Becoming a sponsor gives your company the opportunity to be an integral part of the conference, and connect with the largest gathering of HR and senior professionals from the shipping industry.

Premium event sponsorship is available, offering benefits such as attendance, speaking slots and comprehensive advertising opportunities, alongside smaller packages such as lunchbreak sponsorships or delegate packs. To find out more about the sponsorship opportunities, and how we can tailor a bespoke package to suit your company’s marketing needs, email Jessica Forbes at [email protected].

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