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The Importance of Commitment

Our third blog in this series uncovers the topics we explore in the workshop element of the Maritime Leadership Development Programme is Commitment.

What is Commitment?

The Cambridge Dictionary describes Commitment as ‘the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc’. Meaning that the team must agree on the end result and work together to achieve it.

Why is Commitment vital to become a high-performing team?

Commitment ensures the team is focused on a goal or objective and subsequently they are committed to make it happen. The team is more likely to support each other, put in the necessary effort and stay focused on the goal. This sense of commitment encourages accountability of the team and strengthens collaboration and trust.

What happens when a team is not committed?

Goals are missed because you don’t have the buy in from your team. The team misses opportunities to grow, and your teams’ skills will not be utilised, and your team won’t feel engaged or motivated.

Commitment in your team is only possible if your team can trust and confront each other. For more information about these traits, you can read our previous two blogs: Trust and Conflict

Facet5 & Commitment

The personality profiling tool Facet5 can show you how you and your team commit to ideas.

  1. Will: Determination
    People with high determination are dedicated to reaching the end goal, but those who are lower determination may require more information and reassurance.
  2. Emotionality: Tension and Apprehension
    How are you feeling? Are they apprehensive or even nervous. Knowing your teams emotionality preference, can help managers to understand what their team needs to feel comfortable to move forward and to commit to the result.

We are all different and will require different things to ensure we are committed and Facet5 can assist managers at all levels to achieve this.

For more information on how Commitment impacts you and your team and on the Maritime Leadership Development Programme. Contact Helen & Monique [email protected]

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