Maritime Speakers Bureau wins Diversity and Inclusion accolade at the 2023 Crew Welfare Awards

20 June 2023. London, United Kingdom.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA International) proudly announced that their joint project, the Maritime Speakers Bureau, has won The Crew Welfare Diversity & Inclusion Award. It was presented during the virtual Crew Welfare Week conference on June 20 and recognized the Maritime Speakers’ Bureau’s ground-breaking work in the maritime sector. The accolade was gratefully accepted on behalf of the organizations by Mr Kitack Lim, the Secretary-General of the IMO and Ms Elpi Petraki, the President of WISTA International.

Launched in October 2022, Maritime Speakers’ Bureau is a pioneering initiative encouraging women in the maritime sector to inspire, educate and engage audiences by becoming registered speakers on the platform. Furthermore, the Bureau actively encourages conference organizers to pledge their commitment to diversity and inclusion, highlighting the significance of representative voices in industry events.

Mr Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the IMO, said, “It is with great pleasure to accept the Crew Welfare Diversity and Inclusion Award, which acknowledges the Maritime Speakers Bureau’s commitment. I firmly believe in the importance of women’s representation in the maritime industry and their ability to share their experiences and expertise. The most effective way to achieve this is by ensuring diverse and inclusive panels at conferences and events. That is precisely why IMO, in collaboration with WISTA International, has launched the Speakers Bureau to promote female speakers. There are countless knowledgeable and experienced women in this field, and their contributions are invaluable in shaping a more diverse and inclusive maritime sector. Once again, I extend my gratitude for this Award, which recognizes our joint efforts in supporting women in the maritime.”

Despite the progress made in recent years, women still face significant challenges in the maritime sector. Underrepresentation in leadership roles, gender bias, limited networking and mentorship opportunities and lack of visibility are some obstacles hindering women’s career growth. The Maritime Speakers Bureau serves as a powerful platform to confront these challenges by providing role models, fostering networking opportunities and promoting women’s expertise across diverse maritime subjects.

Ms Elpi Petraki, President of WISTA International, stated, “I want to express my gratitude to everyone who voted for us. It is crucial to emphasize the significance of the initiative by IMO and WISTA in showcasing women who are experts in their respective fields and can share their expertise. We urge all conference organizers to utilize this platform when facing challenges finding female panellists. By doing so, they contribute significantly to enhancing the visibility of women in the maritime industry.”

“It is imperative that we establish an inclusive and supportive environment within the maritime industry. Through the Maritime Speakers Bureau, our goal is to foster diversity in leadership, combat gender bias and provide tailored mentorship and networking opportunities for women professionals. We firmly believe that by empowering women and showcasing their achievements, we can inspire positive change and reshape our industry’s future, ” concluded Ms Elpi Petraki.

The IMO-WISTA Maritime Speakers Bureau has outlined its key priorities for the next five years. Its primary objective is to create the most comprehensive directory of speakers worldwide, fostering a diverse and inclusive network of maritime experts and thought leaders.

You can read the full article on the Image Line website – Maritime Speakers Bureau wins Diversity and Inclusion accolade at the 2023 Crew Welfare Awards – Image Line

The Day of the Seafarer – Day 4

In today’s blog we asked Mohammed Abdullahi, Deck Officer at Atlantas Ship Management for his thoughts on a career at sea and any advice for those starting out in the industry. 

What do you enjoy most about your career at sea? 

The challenges. I enjoy the thrill when something technical challenges my knowledge and then I get to solve it with my team. And of course, the welfare I receive from my company.  

What drove you to pursue a career at sea? Who inspired you? 

I am northern Nigerian where a career at sea is not known much. I am the only seafarer in my family. I was also inspired by a company in UAE during my online research as a high school student.  

What challenges have you faced in your career as a seafarer, and how have you overcome these? 

Technical challenges which I enjoy when I get to solve them through critical thinking and understanding of the equipment.  Nevertheless, there are the challenge of homesickness.  Sometimes you miss your loved ones, but as a human but that is normal. 

What advice would you give to young people who are looking to start a career at sea? 

Make sure you love it. Make it a passion and you will enjoy every bit of your career at sea because most seafarers join for a good salary, (I am not saying that a good salary is a bad thing), but make sure that you also love your job. 

You can follow the hashtag #DayOfTheSeafarer for 2023 content and come back to this blog page tomorrow for another interview.