Vote for Teresa Peacock – Top 100 Women in Shipping

On Monday 19th February, will run its annual list of the Top 100 women working in the maritime industry.

Spinnaker’s Managing Director Teresa Peacock has made the list every year since its launch in 2019.

“I was absolutely delighted to feature amongst such amazing women, and I am thrilled to have appeared each year since (launch). We have a workforce of extremely talented women in the maritime industry, each and every woman working in shipping is making a contribution to keeping the world turning and should feel very proud. I would like to thank Allaboutshipping for continuing to raise awareness of the importance of equity in maritime sector!”
~ Teresa Peacock, 2022

This year, there is a new voting system, where each person gets ONE vote for ONE woman for who YOUR Top Woman in Shipping is!

So, why should you vote for Teresa?

  • Teresa has worked with Spinnaker since 2008, solidifying her place as a key member and figure within the maritime industry.
  • Teresa is a Board Member of the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) as well as a committee member of Maritime UK – Diversity & Inclusion in Maritime Taskforce.
  • Teresa is part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (UK Government), Women in Work and attends various parliamentary meetings, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the global maritime community in the diversity space.
  • Teresa is also involved with promoting careers within shipping, with the ‘Inspiring the Future’ project, which connects schools and colleges with employers and people from the world of work.
  • Teresa contributes meaningfully to the discussions and initiatives undertaken by the IMO.
  • Teresa is an active networker, recently attending a WISTA UK fundraising event with the view of raising money to sponsor a female cadet.

All you need to do is email ‘Teresa Peacock and Spinnaker’ along with your reason for voting in a maximum of 50 words.

Vote Now!

The Marine Society’s Coming Ashore Programme

Launched in 2020, the Coming Ashore programme is now in its 4th year, with over 500 seafarers expressing an interest and registering with the programme to transition to maritime roles ashore. It is the only comprehensive and structured mentoring initiative of its kind, helping seafarers plan their move ashore effectively.

Recognising the value of seafarers’ skills, the programme onboards maritime professionals as mentors, many of whom are former seafarers, offering their expertise in maritime law, insurance, broking, surveying, regulation and much more, in addition to the practicalities of working ashore which is often overlooked This ensures a high success rate for those completing the programme.

Project Ulysses identified the sea-to-shore transition issue in the UK, leading to the creation of the programme in collaboration with Maritime London, Nautilus International, Trinity House, Merchant Navy Training Board and Marine Society. Open to seafarers of all nationalities and ranks, the programme is particularly beneficial for UK-based individuals.

Whilst traditional advice encourages officers to gain experience at sea, employers are increasingly considering candidates without command experience. On the programme we offer the Sea to Shore Industry Placements Scheme (SSIPS), allowing seafarers to gain valuable experience with participating employers.

Additionally, the Coming Ashore Programme provides free or subsidised resources, including personality profiling, psychometric testing, CV writing, interview preparation, and free access to soft skills study courses (Learn@Sea & Learn@Shore). It addresses challenges such as adapting from a ‘command and control’ management style at sea to a team-working ethos ashore.

Successful mentees have found roles with companies such as Carnival UK, Ocean Technologies Group, Maritime & Coastguard Agency, P&I Clubs, and the Port of London Authority. Our revamped Coming Ashore Podcast now features interviews, tips and insights from stakeholders across the maritime industry.

Seafarers interested in the programme can visit the Marine Society website to register. The duration of the programme, typically 6-9 months, is tailored to the individual’s needs.

Generously funded by the Maritime Educational Foundation and ITF Seafarers Trust to get it up and running, the Marine Society now welcomes sponsorship from maritime employers and stakeholders to support the programme as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts.

For further information, contact Meg Pawsey at [email protected] or visit their website.