‘Pause Effect’ Programme delivered by Torild Boe

Programme Overview

Cultivating Support: Reclaim your power at 40 and beyond

As part of the “Three C Approach,” Torild is excited to introduce the second C, “Cultivating Support,” through the Pause Effect programme, specifically designed for women over 40.

This initiative addresses the unique challenges many women face during midlife, often feeling a sense of disconnect and lacking a value-aligned purpose. This programme aims to foster personal growth and enhance overall well-being.

Programme details

The Pause Effect programme can be delivered in either a group or one-on-one.

1. Group Coaching: Starting in October, a 9-week mastermind experience (maximum 8 women) which meet fortnightly.

This programme includes coaching, mindfulness work, gentle movement, and breathwork.

Recorded content, including mindfulness practices and additional resources, will be uploaded to the Pause Effect portal for easy access and support between sessions.

Each participant will also receive a one-on-one ELI debrief prior to the first group session, offering insights into personal attitudes and energy levels.

Learn more about the ELI assessment.

The Group Coaching programme is delivered over a 9 week period in 5 x 90-120 min sessions online including an individually tailored ELI debrief.

Support between sessions, resources, preparation and follow up will also be available.

2. One-on-One Coaching: A 3-month personalised coaching journey that integrates the ELI assessment. This individual approach will help reshape your perceptions and enhance effectiveness in both personal and professional settings.

One-to-one coaching programme is delivered over a 12 week period 10 x 60-90 min sessions online including an ELI debrief

Support between sessions, resources, preparation and follow up will also be available.

Programme Objective

Midlife often creates a feeling of disconnect—a sense of not recognizing yourself. This can leave women feeling out of alignment with their core values and purpose. The Pause Effect programme is designed to bridge these elements through intentional mindset shifts and supportive practices. The goal is to help you align your core values with your purpose, empowering you to shape a fulfilling path for the next stage of your life.

By participating in this programme, you’ll develop strategies to reclaim your power, enhance self-awareness, and boost confidence. With my support, we’ll peel back the protective layers we all have, paving the way for continued personal growth and well-being, ensuring you thrive both personally and professionally.

Book your session now

It starts with a conversation. Please contact Torild Boe for more details on prices on [email protected] or LinkedIn Torild Boe Stokes or speak to the Spinnaker team.


“I would highly recommend Torild as a coach. She’s had a positive and inspiring influence on me. Our coaching sessions have helped me to (re) discover my strengths and I have learnt new skills and strategies that have helped me improve my confidence and performance, and I am noticing positive ripple effects in other areas of my life”.

Linda Hentsch, Global Head of Shore HR OSM Thome

“Working with Torild is like chatting with your closest confidant, but even better. She creates a safe space to discuss anything on your mind and helps you discover your inner strength, whether you’re facing anxiety or major life changes. With personalised strategies, Torild guides you in improving your thoughts, processing emotions, and defining your personal journey. Her coaching is a breath of fresh air, leaving you feeling optimistic and with a deeper understanding of yourself. I highly recommend Toril for anyone seeking personal growth, navigating life transitions, or crafting their best life.”

Carol Horlic, Entrepreneur London

“I highly recommend Torild as a coach. She is present and reflective, knowing when to push and when to be understanding. Her warmth and energy come through the screen, and I learned so much about myself. Torild is easy to communicate with, making me feel comfortable and open. It was an insightful and inspiring experience!”

Martha Nord-Varhaug Boge, Business Development Manager, CCUS Solvang ASA Oslo

“Menopause and its impact in the workplace” Programme delivered by Torild Boe

Programme Overview

Charting a New Course: Mindset shifts and cultural change in the maritime industry

Those of you who attended our Maritime People & Culture event in London earlier this year may have heard Torild speak about “The Perfect Storm”, highlighting how perimenopause can amplify the challenges of an already demanding life stage.

As part of Torild’s “Three C Approach,” where awareness work forms the cornerstone of the first C, “Conversation”, we are delighted to showcase her new awareness session on “Menopause and its impact in the workplace” which has been designed with employers in mind.

The maritime industry is at a pivotal moment. To ensure future sustainability and competitiveness, attracting and retaining female talent is essential. This requires significant cultural shifts and supportive initiatives that recognize and address the unique challenges women face during life transitions such as perimenopause.

Why it matters

● Eliminating Stigma: Open conversations and awareness help remove the shame and stigma often associated with menopause.
● Building Psychological Safety: Supporting women through transitions is crucial for retaining talent and fostering a healthy, productive workplace.
● Industry Leadership & Retention: Establishing a supportive culture promotes gender diversity and encourages more women to pursue maritime careers. In the UK, 1 in 10 women leave the workplace due to lack of support for menopause symptoms (Fawcett 2022), and 1 in 4 consider doing so.

Programme details

The programme runs on-line in September and is delivered in a 60-90 minute awareness session followed by a Q&A with Torild.

Who should attend

The programme is designed for employers and managers looking to increase their awareness of how the menopause can impact their workforce.

Book your session now

With World Menopause Awareness month in October, now is the perfect time to show your commitment to your employees.

Empower your team with the knowledge and tools they need to support colleagues experiencing menopause. Demonstrate your dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace culture by booking ahead of October.

It starts with a conversation. Please contact Torild Boe for more details on prices [email protected] or LinkedIn Torild Boe Stokes or speak to the Spinnaker team.

Human Rights at Sea International uses the power of filmmaking to advocate for fisheries observers globally

Human Rights at Sea International: Who we are

Human Rights at Sea International (HRASi) operates under the core belief that ‘human rights apply at sea, as they do on land.’ Working with states, businesses and other third sector organizations, HRASi helps strengthen protections and support philanthropic activities that aim to reduce human rights abuses throughout global and value supply chains. In doing so, we reinvest in the next generation of advocates and support necessary social justice projects.

In addition to our role as a human rights service provider, we engage in national and international advocacy, raise awareness of critical issues in the maritime environment and push for change particularly through business entities and their ESG conduct.

Plight of fisheries observers

Through these efforts, HRASi has become an instrumental advocate for increasing safety, security and welfare protections for fisheries observers. Fisheries observers help ensure ocean sustainability by assuring compliance with conservation and management measures while collecting vital scientific data. Unfortunately, the nature of this work can sometimes incite conflict onboard, with observers providing the only form of scientific regulation often thousands of miles offshore.

Eritara’s story

Nearly 20 fisheries observers have died or disappeared in the last 15 years alone, with this statistic likely higher as not all incidents are reported. This includes Eritara Aati Kaierua, a fisheries observer from Kiribati who died in March 2020 while working onboard a Taiwanese flagged commercial fishing vessel, the WIN FAR 636.

Critically, and to this day, Eritara’s case remains unresolved as state-level bureaucratic failures resulted in conflicting causes of death, alleged mishandling of evidence and alleged failures in transparency and due process for the family.

Death at Sea film

This lack of justice led HRASi to partner with director Sara Pipernos to produce the Death at Sea film and associated Death at Sea justice campaign.

Death at Sea chronicles the life and unexplained death of Eritara through the eyes of the family he left behind. The film’s narrative relied heavily on an independent case review conducted by HRASi in 2020 that highlighted 26 outstanding questions that raised concerns about the rigor of the ongoing investigation. Present-day Pacific fisheries observers were also interviewed who describe harrowing tales of abuse they faced while working at sea.

The film has since won a student Royal Television Society award and been nominated for a prestigious Jackson Wild Media Award. This recognition continues to push Eritara’s story, and the issues facing all observers, into the mainstream.

Death at Sea justice campaign

The Death at Sea justice campaign was launched in partnership with HRASi in 2024 to achieve justice for Eritara’s family and set a global precedent for fisheries observers going forward.

To this day, Eritara’s family has yet to receive adequate worker compensation, a payout that families are given in the event a fisher incurs injury or death while working. Eritara’s story is not unfamiliar, not a single investigation into an observer’s death has yielded answers nor compensation for family members.

As such, HRASi’s ongoing engagement with relevant state and international authorities, alongside the film’s release and campaign, aims to deliver long-overdue justice for Eritara and his family.

These efforts will also set a global precedent in international best practice that worker compensation must be paid under such tragic circumstances. Additionally, our awareness-raising efforts via film festivals and deathatseafilm.com, the online hub for the justice campaign, push for policy reform that increases safety protections for fisheries observers.

Engage with us

HRASi is proud to support initiatives that protect vital workers in the maritime space. To follow our work, visit deathatseafilm.com, deathatsea.film on Instagram, and Human Rights at Sea International on LinkedIn.