DEMAND for the services of average adjusters remains at high levels despite increased competition and changes in the marine industry…………..
DEMAND for the services of average adjusters remains at high levels despite increased competition and changes in the marine industry…………..
RUMOUR has it that a few shipbroking shops have cut salaries rather than lay off staff as they weather the 2012 storm. One contact told Spinnaker that 2012 “is worse than 2009 as there is no forward book to provide the future cash comfort we had then…”
FOUNDED 1945, Henley is one of the most renowned business schools, famed for its top quality MBA and ranked first in the world for its student quality and alumni record by The Economist. In 2011, Henley launched a Master's Degree in International Shipping and Finance and the first cohort will graduate shortly…
Spinnaker remain perplexed by but optimistic about the state of the market…
On “OSCAR TRADING DAY” shipbrokers and the chartering community will be buying and selling space on the M/V OSCAR and insurance brokers and underwriters will be taking lines on slips to insure her. And the law firms will be “giving legal advice” to the her owners…
The OSCAR Campaign celebrated it's first anniversary in style last week. Read on to see what Tradewinds had to say on page 32 of their 30th March edition…….
IT'S a funny old game isn't it? One marine surveying company told us last week that they have never been so busy. And a couple of senior S&P brokers at different broking companies bemoaned the dreadful state of the market and predicted a dire year ahead while talking up how busy they are and their need for more staff………
WE all know that managers spend their whole time in meetings, leaving others to do the hard graft……..