Do you know the difference between a charterer and a freight trader and which one earns the most money? Or why the new Lloyds Open Form makes us think of cod? Why Mexicans must stop making pretty girls angry (or something like that)? Or indeed why spurious employment disputes could be a thing of the past?
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PROMINENT shipping figures have begun to rally behind an inspirational new shipping industry campaign to raise funds for the redevelopment of part of the world-renowned Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH)…
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Employment tribunals may seem an obvious way of solving your severance issues with your erstwhile company. It's usually a case of weighing up the pay off on offer against the chances of success in a tribunal case even if you know your grievance obviously holds water…
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The commercial shipping market has split into two tiers in recent years, according to Spinnaker Consulting. Sharon O'Ryan, Manager of the Maritime HR Forum run by Spinnaker said that salaries and bonuses paid to freight traders and charterers have diverged to reflect the different levels of risks to which they are exposed.
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Incisive law is offered from Singapore these days as Ince & Co has set up a new venture of that name alongside their local office to offer a one stop shop to clients who need both English and Singapore legal expertise…
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There has been some concern about the advent of the Bribery Act in the UK, not least because people have not been sure how the whole thing is going to work in practice.
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Lloyd's Open Form is in the process of going through its latest update with the 2011 version in use later this year. The new form includes provisions for security for arbitrators' fees as well as publicising awards…
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Our chairman has apparently been listening to intellectual broadcasts, as you do, about the likes of George Orwell, who had a fondness for taking the mickey out of anyone he felt was over-egging the pudding on the linguistic front…
Continue readingKEEPING QUIET
Mexico has been coming in for some flak over a guide to those phases to avoid if you aren't to be politically incorrect…
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