How can I make myself more “marketable”?

Making yourself a marketable candidate in the job market involves a combination of developing relevant skills, building a professional network, and effectively presenting your qualifications.

Further more, practicing your interview skills, researching the company thoroughly, and preparing thoughtful questions can help you stand out during the hiring process. By diligently working on these areas, you demonstrate your commitment to professional growth and position yourself as a competitive candidate in the job market.

Here are some strategies to consider:

Create a Strong Personal Brand

This is not just marketing fluff.

70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process and 47% of employers say they are less likely to interview job candidates if they are unable to find them online.

Your personal brand is how you are perceived by others and can influence how they see your value and expertise.
It involves being consistent in your messaging and actions to create a specific, desired impression in the minds of people who interact with you.

Use social media platforms professionally to share industry-related content and engage with others in your field.

Tailor your CV:

The crucial element is to be relevant.

Be relevant to the challenge or the problem. It is quality over quantity. Ensure you highlight your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments.

“Achieved a 30% increase in annual sales revenue, exceeding targets for three consecutive years. Successfully expanded the customer base by 25%, generating over £500,000 in new business. Implemented strategic sales initiatives that improved client retention rates by 15%, resulting in sustained growth and market penetration. Recognized as Salesperson of the Year for exceptional performance and contribution to team success.”

Don’t just focus just on on the “hard skills” (specific, teachable abilities), give them an idea of who you are as a person and your “soft skills” – communication, teamwork, problem-solving.

92% of talent professionals say that soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills.

“In my previous sales role, I leveraged my strong interpersonal and communication skills to build and nurture lasting relationships with clients, resulting in a 20% increase in customer loyalty and repeat business. My active listening and problem-solving abilities allowed me to identify and address client needs effectively, leading to a 15% increase in upsell opportunities. By fostering a collaborative team environment and mentoring new team members, I contributed to a 10% overall improvement in our team’s sales performance. My adaptability and emotional intelligence enabled me to navigate challenging negotiations successfully, closing deals worth over £250,000.”

Build a Professional Network and Stay Informed

85% of jobs are filled through networking, according to a survey by Lou Adler, a performance-based hiring expert .

Attend industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to meet professionals in your field.

Have meaningful conversations by staying informed, even if they don’t relate directly to you chosen career field.

Staying informed in the maritime industry could mean having an idea about new regulations, technology, safety protocols, or environmental standards.

Professionals who stay updated with industry trends are 52% more likely to be seen as leaders in their field

Experience and Qualifications

Pursue relevant degrees, certifications, and courses that are relevant to your chosen career path, or relevant to the shipping industry.

Gain practical experience through internships, volunteer work, or part-time jobs. You can look to take on freelance projects to build a portfolio and demonstrate your skills as well as work on personal projects that showcase your abilities.

A survey by Upwork found that 59% of freelancers feel that their freelance work has helped them develop skills that were valuable for full-time jobs .

Spinnaker are collaborating with Shipping Strategy Ltd to provide training on Shipping Markets Fundamentals, Market Analysis, Decarbonising Shipping, and ESG.

Feedback and Mentorship

Collect references, recommendations and endorsements from colleagues, managers, or clients.

According to LinkedIn, people with recommendations are 60% more likely to be contacted for job opportunities.

Explaining what you do is not strong enough on it’s own. You need to explain how good you are at doing something. In combination with your CV, other peoples recommendations can emphasise that on your behalf.

Look for someone with experience in your field who has successfully navigated the career path you aspire to follow. A good mentor, or coach can offer valuable advice on industry trends, skill development, and networking opportunities. They can help you set realistic goals, provide constructive feedback on your progress, and introduce you to key contacts in your industry.

By David Tubb, Director, Recruitment

Charity initiatives promoting positive mental health, suicide prevention, and wellbeing for seafarers worldwide

For over 160 years, The Mission to Seafarers (MtS) has been at the forefront of providing essential support and care for seafarers across the world. As Programme Manager, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact of our initiatives in promoting mental health, suicide prevention, and overall wellbeing among seafarers.

Mental health and wellbeing are not just buzzwords for us – they are the lifelines that keep seafarers motivated, confident, and safe. Positive mental health and wellbeing are essential to every seafarer and their fellow crew as they foster confidence, motivation, teamwork, and safety onboard. The challenges faced by seafarers are unique and often daunting. Long periods away from home, physically demanding tasks, and emotional isolation can lead to anxiety, depression, and, tragically, suicide. At MtS, we believe in the power of proactive support, and this belief is at the heart of our newest WeCare initiatives – SafeTALK MtS.

SafeTALK ‘MtS’: Breaking the silence on suicide

Recognising the need for a comprehensive suicide prevention programme, in 2021, MtS adapted the LivingWorks SafeTALK programme, a unique safety course aimed at raising suicide awareness and promoting suicide-safe communities within the maritime sector.

SafeTALK ‘MtS’ is a game-changer in the shipping industry, helping participants become alert to suicide. Delivered in-person by a team of dedicated trainers, SafeTALK is designed with maritime themes to resonate deeply with seafarers and ensure a positive and relatable learning space. It equips individuals to be better prepared to connect those with suicidal thoughts with life-affirming help.

Many organisations may initially view this type of “soft” training as non-essential. However, the skills learned in SafeTALK – such as emphasising open, safe, and non-judgemental discussions around thoughts of suicide, recognising signs, responding appropriately, and connecting at-risk individuals with help – are invaluable both at work and at home.

Essentially, SafeTALK is about creating a culture where the community is ready to help someone save their own life. Talking about suicide is never easy, but it is essential. At MtS, we are committed to breaking the silence. We know there is a high risk of suicide at sea, and it is of critical importance to have informed, confident crew members who can offer support. Isolation, poor connectivity, and limited support networks exacerbate feelings of loneliness among seafarers. Our long history of welfare provision is strengthened by SafeTALK, ensuring we continue to provide the best support possible. It is time to Talk, Ask, Listen, and Keep Safe in our communities, at sea and on land.

Training achievements and impact

I’m incredibly proud of the strides we’ve made with SafeTALK. In 2021, I became a LivingWorks SafeTALK trainer and in 2024 launched the maritime-specific course. During this period, we delivered over 20 workshops across the globe, training 325 people as Suicide Alert Helpers across 58 organisations. An overwhelming 99% of participants were willing to refer others to attend the course – a testament to its relevance and impact, and a remarkable achievement considering the sensitivity of the topic.

During the course, SafeTALK participants learn to notice and respond to suicidal thoughts, recognise often-overlooked invitations for help, move beyond the tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide, apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, Keep-Safe), and connect at-risk individuals with appropriate help.

The workshops have helped participants feel well-prepared to talk directly and openly about thoughts of suicide. After every workshop, at least two participants personally requested follow-up sessions, either in SafeTALK or the two-day ASIST course, underscoring the deep need for such training.

In recognition of our achievements, SafeTALK was awarded the Safety4Sea Crew Welfare Award in 2023, but the real reward is seeing lives changed and saved. SafeTALK is now the world’s fastest-growing suicide prevention skills training course, with 120,000 people attending a course each year through LivingWorks.

Looking Ahead: Expanding our reach

At The Mission to Seafarers, our commitment to seafarers’ welfare is unwavering. In June 2024, we trained 10 new SafeTALK trainers in our Southeast Asian region. We can already see tangible results as 67 people received suicide prevention training in Hong Kong and Singapore that same month. The success of SafeTALK motivates us to reach even more people. In 2024, we are offering funded, free-to-attend SafeTALK courses in global locations including Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, and the UK, with plans to expand training into India, Japan, and beyond. Private courses are also available to ensure we meet the needs of all seafarers.

By integrating these new trainers and expanding our reach, we aim to ensure that more seafarers, their families and maritime professionals have the tools and confidence to address and prevent suicide, creating a supportive and safe environment for all. SafeTALK stands for suicide alertness for everyone, because we can only create suicide safe communities if we are all willing to be part of the conversation.

For more information, or to join one of our life-saving courses, please contact our training team at [email protected]

By Thomas O’Hare, Programme Manager, The Mission to Seafarers

Benchmarking Shipping Salaries in 2024 – What our clients say

Did you know that every year over 100 companies participate in Spinnakers’ Maritime HR Association salary and bonus survey of shore-side shipping jobs?

The survey represents over 50,000 employees working in the maritime sector globally, and in roles such as Technical Superintendent, Operations Manager, and Head of Chartering.

Spinnaker have been benchmarking shore-side salaries since 2005 and participants include some of the biggest ship owners, ship managers, and oil majors globally.

Francesco Rotundo, Group HR Director at d’Amico Shipping Group said about the survey, “The Spinnaker benchmarks are the only ones relevant to me, due to the wide panel of companies involved.”

There is no other salary benchmarking provider in the market with such targeted and relevant benchmarking data available.

Data collection is currently underway for the 2024 survey with final reports being made available in October.

Salary benchmarking is a way for businesses to compare their pay and benefits with those of their competitors and has many benefits.

Mary McDermott, Head of HR at Navigator Gas tells us that “The Spinnaker reports inform our annual salary review and ensure we remain competitive within the industry at every career level. Such extensive maritime-specific data is not available from any other source. The reports are easy to understand and the Spinnaker team are always on-hand for any queries.”

Stolt-Nielsen are one of the original members and have been participants in the survey since 2007. Donna Price, Global HR Business Partner said that “The benchmarking reports are a good sanity check and give good insights into the shipping industry.”

The importance of salary benchmarking is known amongst HR teams as helping to attract top talent with competitive packages and improving retention by reducing the risk of losing employees to competitors with more attractive packages.

If you’re interested in taking part in the 2024 survey then please contact the team via email and you can find out more on the website.