Wren Jane Beacon
“Sixty years in the marine world and aged seventy-five seemed like a good time for me to give up my final few working maritime connections.
“Sixty years in the marine world and aged seventy-five seemed like a good time for me to give up my final few working maritime connections.
As we move towards the last quarter of the year you might be starting to focus attention towards undertaking the pay review of your crew. Do you know your company’s current crew costs? Are you paying crew at the right level?
The 12th Annual Capital Link Shipping & Marine Services Forum is to be held on Tuesday September 10 2019, at 116 Pall Mall, in London during (and in conjunction with) London International Shipping Week.
Thousands of children across the UK could be inspired to take up a career in maritime thanks to lessons being rolled out across the country. Maritime Minister Nusrat Ghani announced £40,000 of funding
The shipping industry has stepped up to the challenge of hitting the £2million milestone for the OSCAR Campaign at Great Ormond Street Hospital
At fleet manager level, engineers are paid around USD10-15,000 more annually than mariners, according to the latest salary data released
The movers and shakers of shipping – snapshot July 2019
Guy Harris of Britannia P&I will be swimming the English Channel on 9 July in a challenge that is expected to take around 15 hours
Over the past 40 years, the Jubille Sailing Trust has delivered nearly 50,000 transformative adventures. Throughout this time, their work has made a profound difference to the lives of people