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The Elusive Balance: Restoring Wellbeing in an Unbalanced World

In an ideal world, our days would be perfectly balanced: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of play. This equilibrium would allow us to maintain our mental health, nurture our relationships and pursue personal growth. However, the reality for many of us is far from this ideal.

The modern work culture often demands 12-hour workdays, leaving us with a mere 5 hours for sleep and 7 hours split between commuting, household chores and other commitments. This imbalance is at the core of the mental health crisis we face today and it’s a direct path to burnout.

The consequences of this imbalance are far-reaching. Chronic stress leads to burnout, anxiety and depression. Lack of sleep impairs cognitive function, weakens our immune system and increases the risk of various health problems. The scarcity of personal time erodes our relationships and stunts our personal growth.

To reclaim our mental health and prevent burnout, we must strive to restore balance:

  1. Reassess priorities: Critically examine how you spend your time. Are those extra work hours truly necessary?
  2. Create boundaries: Establish clear limits between work and personal life, especially if working from home.
  3. Carve out me-time: Treat personal time as non-negotiable. Schedule it like you would an important meeting.
  4. Optimise sleep: Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly zone. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends.
  5. Practice relaxation: When relaxed, your system is in a healing state. Use tools: like time in nature, yoga, meditation, spa, music, etc to recover from stresses of life.
  6. Nurture relationships: Allocate time for meaningful connections with family and friends.

Remember, achieving perfect balance is an ongoing process, not a destination. It requires constant attention and adjustment. By consciously working towards the 8-8-8 ideal, we can significantly improve our wellbeing, enhance our productivity and lead more fulfilling lives. It’s time to challenge the notion that chronic overwork is a badge of honour and prioritise our wellbeing in all aspects of life. Are you feeling overwhelmed and out of balance? Take the first step towards reclaiming your wellbeing by discovering your stress and burnout score: Understanding where you stand is the first step towards creating positive change in your life. Don’t wait until burnout takes hold – act now to restore balance and protect your mental & physical health.

Blog written by Viktoria Weber

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