Supporting mental health for your employees during perimenopause: Simple daily habits to thrive 

As World Mental Health Day on 10th October approaches, coinciding with World Menopause Awareness Day just a week later on 18th October, it’s crucial to recognise the unique challenges women face during perimenopause. 

Women are 40% more likely to experience depression in the perimenopause than those who aren’t experiencing any menopausal symptoms, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. These hormonal shifts & fluctuations can lead to mood swings, heightened stress, and a greater risk of mental health struggles. 

 In our fast-paced lives, stress often becomes the default reaction to daily pressures, and when stress increases, so does cortisol, a hormone that not only interferes with sleep but can contribute to weight gain and emotional imbalance. It’s crucial to adopt habits that promote calm and balance during this time. 

Here are a few simple, yet effective, daily habits that can help manage mental well-being during perimenopause and for anyone else to bring more calm and space into everyday life:

1. Start Your Day with Breathwork Begin each morning with 5 minutes of mindful breathing. A simple technique like breathing in for 4 counts and out for 4 counts can lower cortisol levels and set a calm tone for the day. 

2.  Journal to release: Writing down your thoughts and worries can help clear mental clutter and create an emotional release. Journaling not only alleviates anxiety but also allows you to set intentions for the day. 

3. Gentle daily movement : Incorporate activities like yoga, stretching, or walking into your morning routine. Gentle movement not only reduces stress but also supports hormone balance, which is key during perimenopause. Even 10-15 minute of stretching and movement goes a long way!

4. Mindfulness check-ins throughout the day: Take a few moments to focus on your breath. These mini mindfulness moments can help you stay present and grounded, reducing the risk of stress spiraling. T

5. Team efforts such as walking and meditation challenges can also be highly effective for improving mental well-being. 

Companies like Wellr have seen significant improvements in reducing sick absence through team competitions that everyone can partake in, including challenges that will positively impact stress reduction and mental health.  To learn more about how you can incorporate these team initiatives, book a demo with Wellr here: and connect with me to discuss further ways to support women in your workplace in preparation for World Menopause Awareness Day on 18th October.  

Blog written by Torild Boe

The Elusive Balance: Restoring Wellbeing in an Unbalanced World

In an ideal world, our days would be perfectly balanced: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of play. This equilibrium would allow us to maintain our mental health, nurture our relationships and pursue personal growth. However, the reality for many of us is far from this ideal.

The modern work culture often demands 12-hour workdays, leaving us with a mere 5 hours for sleep and 7 hours split between commuting, household chores and other commitments. This imbalance is at the core of the mental health crisis we face today and it’s a direct path to burnout.

The consequences of this imbalance are far-reaching. Chronic stress leads to burnout, anxiety and depression. Lack of sleep impairs cognitive function, weakens our immune system and increases the risk of various health problems. The scarcity of personal time erodes our relationships and stunts our personal growth.

To reclaim our mental health and prevent burnout, we must strive to restore balance:

  1. Reassess priorities: Critically examine how you spend your time. Are those extra work hours truly necessary?
  2. Create boundaries: Establish clear limits between work and personal life, especially if working from home.
  3. Carve out me-time: Treat personal time as non-negotiable. Schedule it like you would an important meeting.
  4. Optimise sleep: Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly zone. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends.
  5. Practice relaxation: When relaxed, your system is in a healing state. Use tools: like time in nature, yoga, meditation, spa, music, etc to recover from stresses of life.
  6. Nurture relationships: Allocate time for meaningful connections with family and friends.

Remember, achieving perfect balance is an ongoing process, not a destination. It requires constant attention and adjustment. By consciously working towards the 8-8-8 ideal, we can significantly improve our wellbeing, enhance our productivity and lead more fulfilling lives. It’s time to challenge the notion that chronic overwork is a badge of honour and prioritise our wellbeing in all aspects of life. Are you feeling overwhelmed and out of balance? Take the first step towards reclaiming your wellbeing by discovering your stress and burnout score: Understanding where you stand is the first step towards creating positive change in your life. Don’t wait until burnout takes hold – act now to restore balance and protect your mental & physical health.

Blog written by Viktoria Weber

Employee Recognition and its role in motivating employees

In a recent Employee Benefits report, 62% of employees say they never or hardly ever receive recognition. 29% say they haven’t received recognition for good work in over a year!

Reinforcing this fact was a poll on Spinnaker’s LinkedIn page which found that 61% of respondents never or hardly ever feel recognised for their work.

Employee recognition is essential for fostering a positive work environment and driving business success. When employees feel appreciated, they become more engaged in their roles, which leads to higher productivity and improved job satisfaction. It goes beyond simply completing tasks, it fuels a desire to take ownership, contribute to the success of the team and continuously strive for more. It serves itself as a powerful motivator, whether this be through verbal praise, awards or formal incentives. Recognition also has the ability to create a feedback loop where employees feel more valued and driven to maintain high standards of performance. Regular recognition strengthens employee commitment, making them more likely to stay with the company, and reducing turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training new staff. 

Recognition also plays a key role in creating a positive and thriving workplace culture. When employees’ contributions are acknowledged, it fosters a sense of belonging and respect. This leads to better teamwork, communication, and collaboration. This in turn can encourage them to invest more time into their work, share ideas more openly and ultimately lead to more innovative solutions and collective success.  It is about creating a mutually appreciative environment where these actions can be integrated into daily interactions. Helping to develop stronger working relationships, better cross-department collaboration and a more cohesive team dynamic.

Additionally, a recognition-rich culture can attract top talent, as people are drawn to organisations where their efforts will be valued. As we see the market getting increasingly more competitive as weeks go on, people are increasingly seeking out organisations where they know they will be valued. A company that emphasises recognition will stand out more as it will be a place where they can thrive both personally and professionally. Attracting these top-talent candidates strengthens the company’s workforce and drives its competitive edge. By investing in recognition, companies can build a culture where employees are motivated, satisfied, and committed, leading to sustained success and a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment.

Employee recognition also strengthens relationships between employees and managers. When managers take the time to recognise their team’s efforts, it shows they are attentive and appreciative of their efforts. This in turn boosts morale and builds that foundation between the two, focused on trust and fosters open communication. As trust grows, employees become more comfortable sharing their thoughts, feedback and concerns, knowing their input is valued. It can help remove the barriers of hierarchy within a company and foster collaboration. This supportive dynamic encourages employees to be more innovative and creative, as they feel confident their ideas will be acknowledged.

Some statistics on employee recognition:

  • Around 80% of employees say that recognition improves their engagement.
  • Companies with a highly engaged workforce are 21% more profitable
  • Employees are almost 3 times more likely to be highly engaged if they believe they will be recognised for their contribution
  • Around 70% of employees say an increase in recognition would make them loyal to their employer
  • Around 60% of employees say they would prefer regular praise and thanks over a 10% pay increase with no recognition
  • 53% of employees say they would stay longer at a company is they felt appreciated
  • 40% of demotivated employees put it down to a lack of recognition

At the 2024 Maritime People & Culture Conference, Spinnaker launched an Award for the ‘Best HR Initiative’. One of the runners-up was Teekay with their 50 years, 50 stories entry. Their entry celebrates fascinating, interesting, and light-hearted stories from employees within Teekay to celebrate their 50th anniversary and you can see their video here.

And if you were wondering, what do Spinnaker do for employee recognition? Well, we run a weekly round-up where we can celebrate and congratulate the weekly achievements of everyone in the business. We also run an end-of-year communications meeting where we celebrate an ‘Employee of the Year’ award, as well as championing everyone’s achievements throughout the year. We also run a ‘Social Media Cup to recognise the employee with the best use of social media and using it to the best of their ability.

In conclusion, employee recognition is a powerful driver of both individual and organisational success. By acknowledging employees’ efforts, companies can boost engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction while fostering a positive workplace culture built on mutual respect and collaboration. Regular recognition strengthens relationships between employees and managers, encouraging open communication, trust, and innovation. Moreover, it helps attract and retain top talent, giving organisations a competitive edge in a fast-evolving market. Investing in employee recognition is key to building a motivated, committed, and high-performing workforce, leading to long-term business success. Therefore, incorporating regular and meaningful recognition practices into the workplace is not just a nice-to-have but a business imperative.

Blog written by Helen McCaughran, Business Development & Marketing Manager and Bethanie-Taylor Grenfell, Marketing Executive