The role of the superintendent is changing. More and more shipping companies are employing Fleet Technical Officers or Technical Support Assistants…
The role of the superintendent is changing. More and more shipping companies are employing Fleet Technical Officers or Technical Support Assistants…
We're well into 2013 now, and with the promise of better weather upon us, we're looking forward to the rest of the year with a 'spring' in our step…
At Spinnaker, we have always badged ourselves as global shipping recruiters, but we do sometimes have to convince new clients that we've got what it takes to fill their local jobs on the other side of the world…
Our clients are incredibly important to us here at Spinnaker, and we're always looking for more ways to help them. We already know we're finding the best candidates for their positions…
Lately, we've noticed an upswing in succession planning trends and instructions. Is everyone in shipping getting older all of a sudden, or have shipping companies suddenly started doing a bit of forward planning?
Another Spinnaker employee who's making us very proud this week – our web developer Dan Bacon has made the news with his once-in-a-lifetime charity trek to Borneo…
We're reading more and more about the changing face of office working. Remote working, or working from home, is becoming 'the norm' for many companies…
Inspired by the frightening reading that was the annual report of a to-remain-unnamed shipping company, we welcome you to our series of blogs about the risks involved for shipping companies…
The marine hull market is facing a challenging time ahead following losses in 2012. Quite a statement, given that the market hasn't seen a profit for 15 years but unsurprising of course…