ARE you a shipping lawyer, international trade lawyer or a commercial lawyer who fancies working among cuckoo clocks, chocolate and Swiss army knives?
ARE you a shipping lawyer, international trade lawyer or a commercial lawyer who fancies working among cuckoo clocks, chocolate and Swiss army knives?
Need cost of living comparisons between two cities/countries? There are several providers out there. Here's one that was recently demonstrated to us…
IT has not been an easy trading environment by any means, but on balance Spinnaker's year has turned out better than expected…
THIS is several markets all rolled into one and is also a tale of contrasts. First, and most obviously, the banking and ship finance market has been hit and hit hard…
WE at Spinnaker have come to the end of yet another business year, our twelfth. It has been arguably the toughest trading environment for a generation, but we have ended the year in profit and with a spring in our step thanks to a strong pipeline of quality instructions both on the contingency recruitment and executive search sides of our business…
If you know a Mandarin speaker with a US passport or green card and a good dollop of operations experience, give Spinnaker's Amy Travell a call. She has a lovely job for you in New York City.
TWICE a year Mercer sends a whole load of lucky people to the shops to find out how much things cost. 200 things to be precise, from a loaf of bread to a glass of moon juice. They also throw in the cost of accommodation and then benchmark 143 cities against the cost of those same things in New York which is given the base value of 100 in the index.
When a senior executive leaves and takes with him/her valuable information and contacts to help him in a new and competing business, there is no time to waste if the ex-employer wants to get a “springboard injunction” to prevent that executive and his new business unfairly taking advantage of that information and those contacts…
WHAT is the collective noun for purchasers? A budget of purchasers? A discount of purchasers?